
Banned from The Net!

Is this for real? The UK is contemplating having a three strikes, you’re out! policy on illegal file sharing over the Internet. Once you’re through your three infractions, you’re banned from the Internet!

Now, while I can go on about the insanity of this proposed legislation, I would like to take a look at the benefits of this process.

In the end, if this happened, then the world’s legal system would realize that finally, FINALLY they should adopt this into all their systems.

You’re a driver of an automobile who has had a few too many to drink and have been caught by the police? Strike three, you’re out! You lose the car and the license sucker.

You’ve beat little old ladies? Strike three, you don’t get to exit your jail cell you old lady beater!

You know…I wish I knew more about the legal system and whether or not we already have these policies in place. I would hope that drunk drivers lose their license after three infractions! Actually, I don’t think they should only lose their license, but be shipped to Greenland.

Where was I going with this entire rant? Oh yes…banned from the Internet. Ha…that’s pretty funny. Who comes up with this stuff anyhow?

2 replies on “Banned from The Net!”

Good rant….I would just like to add a few things…

1. I feel sorry for all those individuals living in Greenland…..or soon to be renamed Drunkdrivingland if you have your way.

2. There is a process by which a license for a drunk driver is suspended and cancelled.

check out the ontario highway traffic act:

The Act only deals with the immediate suspension of th e license, and cancellation would be dealt with by a judge.

But the point of the matter is, once the license has been revoked, an individual can begin the process of getting his/her license reinstated. The same would probably be true of the internet access.

3. Where would you cross the line? What if the government were to remove your access to the internet because of Bogons!!!!

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