
The Police (in Ottawa)

the-police.jpgSo the Police are coming to town.  It’s touted as their last tour ever.

I do not know the Police.  I know their hits.  While they are decent, I can’t say I’m in love.

That being said, I don’t want to end up in the situation where in ten years time I become a big fan and realize that I missed the opportunity to see them!

Thoughts out there?  I can see it sway between “Palmer, don’t spend your money on something that you may not want to see, even if you heard it’s a good show.” to “You have to see the Police.  It’s like when you saw The Who and didn’t know any of their stuff.”

iplaying: Life in a Glass House – Radiohead (Amnesiac)

One reply on “The Police (in Ottawa)”

I don’t think that you would be disappointed if you went to see The Police. If it’s their last tour, I’d go for it. I grew up listening to that kind of music from my mom. You have a great taste in music and a vast range of genre that you listen to. I’d go for it, come on…it’s Sting… :)….you know you want to sing…ROXANNE!! 😉

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