
Male Christians

The other day at school, Jen and Craig pointed out a poster up on the bulletin board.  The gist of it was this:

Looking for Roommate
To Live with 2 Males
Yada yada Yada
(and then inserted in pen of all things)
Must be Christian and Male

We had a good laugh at this one.  We couldn’t even comprehend where to begin ridiculing this.  Did they really mean to write this?  Was this added on afterwards?  We didn’t think so as it matched the penmanship of the phone numbers at the bottom of the page.

Let’s talk about the gender part first.  First of all, maybe this one is excusable because they may have had harsh dealings with a female in the past (can we all hear it for no access to the bathroom for hours in the morning!).

Now, the religion thing.  Where can I begin?  Is this for real?  These guys must be some hardcore Christians if they won’t allow any other religions to live with them!

Anyhow, I thought I would share that laugh with you guys this morning.  Let it be known that we laughed at the sheer ludicrous statements found on a bulletin board in the 21st century.

11 replies on “Male Christians”

Maybe they were roomates with you Ryan and know that a good Christian boy will not have massive parties like you did! A good Christian boy will be away at church Sunday morning and allow you some peace and quiet Sunday to recover from the hangover! A good Christian boy will not take your girlfriend for a spin nor steal a potential ramdom at the bar on you!

Well the joke’s on them then. It never specified being a good Christian. I’m a Christian and I can say that I’ve can check a few items off of that list. 😉

Well, if they are super hard core church-going boys maybe they don’t want to live with girls because it might give outsiders the impression something “inappropriate” is going on even if they are just roommates. I actually know people who think like that. :o)

That is a good point. Either way, they are freaks. Even super hard core Christians should realize that they should be accepting of all the other colours in the rainbow.

Well, perhaps these guys are a bit over the top but, in their defense, you can be accepting of all the colours of the rainbow and still not want to share your living accommodations with all colours of the rainbow. And that doesn’t have to have anything to do with religion, race, etc. It coudl have to do with cleaning abilities or other factors. You have to be comfortable where you live and some people just can’t cope with living with others who have vastly different standards than their own. I say, better to be upfront about it than to live in misery!

I hear what you’re getting at…but I’m going to swing it in the way that you are totally supporting these guys in their quest for a Christian Male roommate. 😉

I just understand them given that I am also on a quest for a “Christian Male Roommate”. ha ha.

Go Trish!

No but really, I know the problems that can occur when some people live with others with different religious or cultural beliefs. Some religion ask for praying with incent/candles first thing at night and last thing in the morning, cooking a lot of smelly foods, cannot be around the opposite gender.. etc.

Personally, I find their add pretty funny indeed, but I just think they might just have had a really bad experience in the past!

Meh, in the end it IS a form of discrimination.

Maybe they want to ensure that the new roomie won’t be dabbling in cloning, polluting and so on… you know those new sins that just came out… Important stuff!

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