
Review: Karilee’s Birthday

Saturday Vero, Mike and I headed out to a fund raising breakfast event called “Breakfast for Joleen”. Turns out that Joleen has a brain tumor and while the parents prospective workplaces have been nice enough to extend some compassionate leave for awhile, I guess it is running out so there was a fund raiser to help out the parents during this time of need. Mike and Mel (I believe?) know these two parents personally, hence how we found out about this.

In the end, we pretty well missed the entire breakfast/silent auction hoopla considering we rolled into there around 11:30 in the morning and the thing started at 9:00. We still paid for our breakfast and helped ourselves to some pancakes, eggs and a sausage. We took a look at some items that Mike, Mel and Duncan got at the silent auction including a computer (!) and a nice box of brownies which we took a gander at.

There was also a blood bank on hand which had information on how to give blood but they also tested what type you were! I had never done so and I now know that I am O+. I guess I will start donating blood when they come to work as they usually do every once in awhile.

We then chatted outside for awhile about Véro’s play and other randomness and then headed to Véro’s for a beer and then we headed home to get a quick bite to eat to hold us over before the night of fun. It was Karilee’s birthday party (although I think her birthday is actually on…Monday, April 7?) down at Fratelli’s in New Edinburgh.

After having a beer back at Véro’s again that evening and watching Wedding Crashers (as Duncan had never seen it before), we hopped in a quick cabride to go to Fratelli’s which had just opened recently in New Edinburgh. Supposedly there are a few Fratelli’s in town but this was the first time I had been to one. Mike and I headed upstairs above the restaurant to say hello to his friend whom he actually helped move into that apartment a few weeks back. It was a slick apartment. I like the apartments with the high ceilings and the long hallway connecting all the rooms together.

We then headed into Fratelli’s, took our seat, said hello to Matt, Karilee and company and settled in for the ride. I quickly noticed that Duncan wasn’t in the restaurant (and he had come with us) and I found him outside chatting with an old work friend. When I headed back inside I noticed that no one had ordered drinks yet so I went to bar, ordered some drinks and was about to take them away when they said “Oh no, we can bring them to your table!”. I have a feeling that as soon as I was about to walk away, their manager walked by and was wondering why I was picking up my own beer. Hey, that’s what you get when you’ve been sitting around the table for a good fifteen minutes! In the end, I put the beers back on the bar and said they could drop them off to me and that still took five minutes.

That would have to be my only minor complaint about Fratelli’s. Every new restaurant has some growing pains so I won’t hold it against them. The food was superb, their bread was superb and the ambiance was great. I had some great conversation around me (and found a fellow comic book fan and we chatted for a few moments) and I think all had a good time. Vero ended up showing up after 10 o’clock since her play was done. I can’t wait to share a picture of how crazy her hair is for her play. It is quite zany!

We ended up leaving Fratelli’s around 11:30 and I personally didn’t feel like heading downtown to a line-up at the Heart and Crown so a few of us headed to the New Edinburgh pub which was down one block and we said goodbye to Matt, Karilee and…Sophie-Lynn? Can’t remember her name…it looked like Karilee had a great time but I heard she hurt her ankle afterwards so that sucks.

The New Edinburgh Pub was in full force with a band playing in the other side of the bar. We ordered a beer, sat down and listened to Trish’s story about her trip to the Dominican Republic. She had some great stories to tell and I encourage you to ask her about it the next time you see her. The Dominican Republic sure saw it’s fair share of people I know this year; myself, Vero and her family, Ferda & James, Trish, Krista and Jill…I think there were a few people from work also that I knew headed down there. It’s quite the hot spot (pun intended!) for Canadians I guess.