
Edwin Update

I don’t know what’s crazier…the fact that Mike Turner (OLP), Edwin (I Mother Earth) and Jeff Burrows (Tea Party) are forming a supergroup, or the fact that Edwin serves drinks at a bar.

2 replies on “Edwin Update”

Edwin is a bartender? Weird. “I’ll have one more astronaut, oops, i mean vodka tonic…” Thats besides the point, the fact that these guys are now playing music together is probably the best music news I’ve heard in years!!! I simply can not wait to hear some of these songs! I dont know about you, but i am sick of the music that they are trying to promote on Canadian radio!! Billy Talent-less, and City and Boredom. I used to love listening to the radio and hearing, ‘superman’s dead by OLP followed by ‘temptation’ by The Tea Party, and of course ‘Used to be Alright’ by IME..Canadian music at its best. I for one am very excited to hear music by these guys. I think it will be great! Its easier to be pessimistic and say ‘its gonna suck’ but i really think they are going to take over…again!

Wow, that is very cool news. What is the name of the band? Is the cd out yet?
cant wait to hear this one

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