
Comment about Comments

There is a feature in the WordPress software that I use for this site which doesn’t allow for comments to automatically appear if I haven’t approved them. This is dependent on whether or not you have been approved before or not.

I think the software controlling this is a little buggy because some people who comment on the site have no problem having their comment appear automatically (Sammy comes to mind). But then there are others like Musicman whom I have to approve their comment every time so it is visible in the comment field. USUALLY I am pretty fast on the draw for approving them because I get an email notification that there is a comment in the queue awaiting approval. But in the case of today where I was at a final exam (which went fine), I am not around and in the case of Connie, she had to wait until I approved it to see it.

So there you have it. That’s why sometimes your comment doesn’t appear right away. The reason I have this option enabled is to stop spam comments. I have received only a few but a few still is still a few too many.


This is why I love my friend Matt.  He sent approximately eight comments to this posting last night and when I got home I saw a slew of them waiting in the queue and I thought “I bet it was Matt trying to break the system.”  Sure enough, there were 8 different comment variations from him trying to get his comment up on the website.

3 replies on “Comment about Comments”

To add to your comment comment (I suppose its really a comment post), your comments show up and all your posts show up as “by admin”, instead of “Ryan” or “Palmer”

(Are they all “Uncategorized” too?)

Did all my other posts not go through?? strange.
Something is definitely messed up with the comment system.

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