
Take Care Jamie

IMG_1480, originally uploaded by palm0014.

Unfortunately, a friend of mine has passed away recently. I do not have many details as to how Jamie passed away…what’s even more unfortunate is that he leaves a wife and three children behind. It’s a shame that this had to happen. Jamie was a good guy. I used to see him a few times a year at Matt’s cottage parties as he had grown up with Matt’s crew (whom have become a big part of my friend circle in Ottawa…Duncan, Mike, Matt, etc…). He always liked his country music and to have a good time.

Considering I only knew him through friends of mine, I can’t really speak about him too much so I leave the comment section open for anyone who would like to say something about him. However, don’t feel obligated either. ***update***Actually Rob pointed out that you can leave a message to his family via the Ottawa Citizen Legacy website. Probably a better spot for comments.

Click here.

For those who have not yet heard of this and wish to pay your respects, here is some information about the wake being held tonight in Carp as well as the funeral on Saturday.