
The End of the Blogosphere

ooheeoohiamjustlikebuddyholly.JPGI recently stumbled across Natalia Yanchak’s blog  which makes for some great reading…she is the keyboardist of The Dears (band out of Montreal whose album No Cities Left is truly a masterpiece and after an entire year of listening to it, I still don’t get tired of it.  It is on my list of albums to bring to the island with me).

When I was adding her blog to my blogfeed, I decided to finally bite the bullet and clean up the folder full of blogs which haven’t been updated in six months.  I felt bad doing so…I really enjoy reading my friend’s blogs but they must have either moved on completely to Facebook or have lost interest in the self-indulgent ways of updating thyself through the Internet.  Ah well.  I’ve left a few of them in the blog folder in hopes that I will see an update once in awhile, but have deleted the others.  So if you are one of my friends and decide to update your blog and you haven’t done so in the past six months, drop me a line saying there’s a new entry!  I’m not going to bother looking for it otherwise unfortunately.

Ah, blogging.  I wield so much power of thinking so many people read my blog and I can control your thought patterns eventually with my swaying words (“Support artists…think for thyself…Smashing Pumpkins forever…”) like a serpent you see in an Indiana Jones flick which can hypnotize the bejeezus out of you.

I’m heading to the optometrist in an hour.  That’s right…the laser eye surgery may have a finite lifespan. Too bad I was young and foolish and never had yearly checkups or else it may have actually been covered under warranty.  Ah well, I’m due for a nice pair of glasses right about now anyhow.  Perhaps some Buddy Holly?

One reply on “The End of the Blogosphere”

There’s a paradox if I have ever seen one.

“I can control your thought patterns eventually with my swaying words ……think for thyself”

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