
The Hobbit On-Line Chat

Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro took some time to have an online chat and answer some questions concerning their production of the Hobbit films.  It’s quite a lengthy read but if you are interested in the Lord of the Rings, you should definitely take a read.

Of interesting note:
– They got Ian McKellan back as Gandalf!  Yay!
– They are expanding upon The Hobbit into two films.  It’s an interesting concept to fathom as The Hobbit is definitely short enough to translate into one film.  In explaining their motives to this, they wanted to integrate the two new films into the existing trilogy as much as they could so that it would flow for five films.  That being said, the biggest reveal they had is that they are trying to integrate ALL the characters from the original trilogy into the second film (or part of the first if they could do that…).  I find that quite interesting.  I assumed that they would simply use the back material from the unfinished works of Tolkien to fill to expand on some material.  When you think The Hobbit, you have to think it’s like the prequel trilogy of Star Wars.  It takes place a few generations before Lord of the Rings.  So if we do see the characters from the trilogy (Frodo, Legolas, Gimli), they would have to be considered a younger version…a MUCH younger version.  I believe the second film will actually be closer in time to the trilogy than most people think.  Unless they want Elijah Wood to be playing a 7 year old Hobbit!

3 replies on “The Hobbit On-Line Chat”

Let’s face it. The real reason they are making The Hobbit into two films is that they want to exploit the popularity of the LOTR movies, not because there really needs to be any more background stories or ties to the triology. It’s a money making scheme. They better not ruin The Hobbit!!

Frankly, that’s a little harsh Dish. While you do point out that it’s there to make money, isn’t every big blockbuster movie that comes out in it to make some money?

But think about the fans, the directors who actually say “The HObbit needs to be made!”

As for not ruining the Hobbit, considering the liberties in the cutting room floor of LOTR, do you feel that they ruined them as well?

Yes, the point of every blockbuster movie is to make money. But the fact remains that you can read The Hobbit and then you can read the LOTR and,unless you are a complete moron, you can make the connection between the two. You don’t need another book to show you how the two stories relate. The relationship is clear. So, to me, the extra and unnecessary movie is just being made because they know that the LOTR was popular and everyone will go to see these two movies just because they are related to the LOTR. This just takes advantage of the fans’ interest in this series.

Maybe my comments are harsh, but The Hobbit is a book that is close to my heart. I liked the LOTR, but they aren’t among my beloved books as is the Hobbit.

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