
Lost Season 4 Finale

Who here watched the Lost season finale last night?  Discuss.

6 replies on “Lost Season 4 Finale”

Moving island? COOL! So is the island an actual station? Or maybe a UFO? Are there other islands?

Ben…does he end up time/space traveling to that dessert right after the island moves? It kind of seems like he knows he’ll be leaving the island and leaving John in charge. So maybe he knows whoever moves the big wheel automatically gets ported off the island?

Who didn’t feel good for Desmond seeing Penny again? I love Desmond. “See you in another life brotha.”

Well, in the scene where we see Ben in the desert, his is wearing the winter coat he had on when he moved the island so I would say yes to the teleportation situation. Ah, to be able to teleport.

I am sad about Jin. :o( Or do you think it’s possible he is still alive somehow. Or is that just wishful thinking on my part. I still can’t get over Charlie either.

And what was up with Clare telling Kate not to bring Aaron back. Do you think that was actually just a dream, or was it one of these “dreams” like John has. And did John only leave the island to try to get the 6 to come back? or is there more to that story.

I don’t really get what the explanation was for them going to another island. How do they explain pulling up to an island months after their plane crash in a rubber dingy? Where would they have gotten it? How would they have been living in that thing all this time? Did they explain their “story” in more detail before and I just didn’t pay attention?

I have so many unanswered questions!!

I don’t know what to think about Jin. I would like to think that they would give him a more spectacular death…like how Charlie died. They made a real big deal of Charlie dying, but Jin, meh. He just doesn’t make it. Sun’s screams were awesome though. I’m banking on the fact that he does make it off and when Season 5 ends and they get back to the island, they’ll find him there.

I don’t think these are dreams anymore. I really think that they are going to play the whole time/space travel card. Like when they meet Jack’s Dad all the time. I think he is legitimately travelling through space/time and they are all cryptic like.

As for John leaving the island…tough to tell at this point. Maybe they needed something from the people off the island. He went to see Walt who we all know has special powers (by the way, Walt changed so much I didn’t really recognize him. I thought they just recast him but then I thought if they would even bother recasting him, they would just go ahead and get a younger kid) so he must be after something.

As for pulling up to another island, I guess it’s conceivable that there is a rubber dingy on the airplane? I don’t know. As for explaining it, you must admit that the airline themselves are trying to cover up as much of the inaccuracies as they can considering the crap they are in over this debacle. So they probably didn’t even question the rubber dingy. As for living in the thing all that time, I’m sure it’s conceivable that they can live for two months on the dingy. Ok, maybe not, I get your point. But it’s not as far fetched as thinking they were years at sea. ALSO, I just thought about this, didn’t they say they actually ended up on an island first? Remember that episode where they are having the press conference in the future? I think they told people that they were on an island at first and then they rafted out to the other island. Maybe I’m wrong.

The other thing is that Jin knew that the boat was likely going to explode. Why didn’t he even attempt to jump off and swim away when he saw the helicopter wasn’t coming back? I mean, i know they were in the middle of the ocean, but wouldn’t it be better to take your chances at surviving in the water than to know for sure you were going to be blown up? I agree. I think we’ll see him again.

And does Walt even know how Michael died? I wanted to see more of the convo with Walt and Hurley.

Yes, I suppose their cover story is full of holes anyway, bc they told everyone that Kate was pregnant when she was on the plane being transported to prison and that she just had the baby on the island. So, yeah. i think you’re right. they did use an island as part of the cover story. This dinghy story is just not plausible though.

And who did Sayid kill outside of the mental institution? some random who was watching Hurley?

Who knows about Michael really? Maybe no one died on the boat? I would like to think that somehow they’ll figure out the time travel feature on the island and go save Michael and Jin. As for Walt knowing about Michael anyhow…how would that happen? John Locke never knew Michael was aboard the freighter so even if John went to see Walt, he would not have known about Michael OR the Freighter. remember, he has been away from the beach for quite some time now.

I think Sayid just offed some random dude. I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy was hired by Widmore.

should you really be allowed to leave the first comment on a blog entry?

Anyways, I don’t watch Lost, and I haven’t read the comments, but I find it funny that a TV show can lead to bigger discussions than say public transportation…

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