
Mike’s New Axe

Mike picked up a new guitar last night (which he subsequently is planning on exchanging as the top of it seems a little…off as the two pieces of wood glued together seem like two different colours and it looks quite ghastly) and it is a beaut.  I like the Takamine guitars.

The coolest thing about this guitar is that there is a tube amp built into it!  For the un-initiated, years ago, guitar amplifiers (if not all amplifiers?) ran through tubes instead of solid state transistors that they have now.  I have heard rumours that the tubes made a warmer sound when playing guitar but I have never really had something to compare it with.

Sure enough, I played the guitar plugged into Mike’s brand new acoustic amp (which I drool over because not only does it have a speaker for the guitar, but also one for the microphone!  It’s an acoustic player’s dream setup!  Too bad Mike refuses to sing.) and it sounded great.  But then I turned on the tube amplifier in the guitar and it definitely was a warmer sound.  I was surprised at the amount of difference.

Hopefully Mike gets his exchanged guitar soon enough and we can jam out with the new amp.

3 replies on “Mike’s New Axe”

If you are looking for a high quality guitar with the finest craftsmanship you’ll just have to buy a Dubosq ;o)

Are you and Mike sure it’s two pieces of wood that are glued together? The only reason I’m asking is when I purchased my Takamine acoustic bass guitar there was an area on the body that looked like there were two pieces of wood glued together due to one area being quite darker than the other. Upon closer inspection it was in fact one piece of wood. It was just the way the grain and the colour of the wood looked. But I was initially sure that it was two pieces.

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