
Lawn Mower

Lawn Mower

About six weeks ago I get a call from Rob who is on his way to drop his son off at hockey or soccer practice asking if I could pick up this FREE lawn mower on the side of the road near his place. He was running late so couldn’t pick it up but feared it would be gone by the time he returned. I agreed but I was picking up some friends at the time and was in a hurry so instead of dropping it off at his place, I took it home and put it in my garage. Weeks and weeks go by and I still have this lawn mower in my garage taking up space and all the while Rob is asking what the hell is going on with this lawn mower. Finally this past Saturday I got around to delivering the lawn mower that has been in our garage for over a month now. It was a nice sunny day and Rob’s neighbours were having a garage sale while I was there. After we unloaded the mower we though we would try to start it since we don’t even know if it will. While we are working on it a random garage saler (let’s call him Dave) drives up next to us and the following conversation occurs.

Dave: Is it too late?
Rob and Me: Uhhhhhhh
Dave: The lawn mower? Is it already sold?
Rob and Me: Uhhhhhh
Dave: How much do you want for it?
Rob: 20 bucks
Dave: Does it work?
Rob: Were working on it, probably just needs a new spark plug
Dave: I will be back in a few minutes I just have to go get my van

After the guy left, Rob and I were looking at each other laughing at the fact that he just made $20 off a free lawn mower. We did eventually get it started to make sure it worked before selling it. I would also like to point out that the garage sale was one house over and not at Rob’s. In then end I don’t know if Dave ever came back to buy the lawn mower since I had a to go do some errands but this still made for a great start to my day.