
Perce Rock – Restricted

P1050229, originally uploaded by palm0014.

*I know I have a lot to write about…I truly do not care to fall behind in my writings as I want this to be a document of my life, fully and completely. Mental note: Write about BC, write about London, write about Iron Man, write about St-Jacques de Leeds.*

Read article here.

Turns out that access to Percé Rock, Quebec is being restricted to guided tours now. A rock fell on the head of a tourist back in 2003 and there’s a lawsuit going on and in the end, the park officials of the area have decided to restrict access.

While I guess I can’t blame them, it does sadden me that we won’t have a free-will adventure at Percé Rock any longer. I have fond memories of last year’s expedition with Vero to try and make it to the hole in the rock (which I have never done to this day, and maybe won’t be able to now?) and it ended up being a crazy day with no sandals on and hurting our feet and me finally falling into the water. The sun was hot but the wind was fierce and we braved the elements until we could not go any longer. It was a fun time and I will miss the opportunity to just have a fun time with people going to the Rock instead of following a guided tour.

3 replies on “Perce Rock – Restricted”

The guided tours happen only twice a day when the tides are at their lowest! When I was there last week, the tours were at 8:15 and 9:15 am. We missed them both!

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