
Canada Day 2008

Canada Day ended up being a quiet day for the first time in…MANY years.  I lazed around the house in the morning and watched some episodes of 24.  Mike was feeling a little rough so I saw him come and go from his bedroom between taking some naps.  Vero and Anne-Marie eventually awoke and they had some breakfast while I had some sausages off the BBQ considering it was close to lunchtime and anytime I can avoid breakfast is fine by me.

In the afternoon I hauled out the bicycles for Vero and her sister and got them ready for them to bike down to Petrie Island for the afternoon.  I continued to laze around the house for awhile waiting for anyone to show up for the Canada Day BBQ that I sent an invite out for.  I never heard of anyone actually planning to attend but I wanted to be there just in case.

Unfortunately, Anne-Marie had to leave town when they got back from Petrie Island as there was a death in her husband’s family.  It is too bad that this had to happen during her trip down to Ottawa as they still had plans for the remainder of the week (Canada Day fireworks, skydiving, Bluesfest) but alas, we cannot control these things.  I hope she and Steve are doing well during this time.  It was great to see Anne-Marie for the better part of the week and she is more than welcome to come back anytime for some fun times in Ottawa!

Considering the mood of the day took a downturn after Anne-Marie left, Vero and I didn’t really feel like going down to the fireworks that night.  In the end, we just hung out in the backyard waiting for people to show up.  Vero’s friend Marie-Eve (sp?) showed up around supper time and we hung out in the backyard for awhile.  Eric also showed up for a drink and once the killer june bugs came out, Mike, Eric and I had a jam session for an hour for our Canada Day concert as I like to call it.  We pulled out some old hits (old being those from OUR music formation years…the 90s).  We then watched an episode of Flight of the Conchords which everyone loved.

After that, we called it a night.  This was the first time that Canada Day had been quite the non-event.  I would like to think that it was the fact that I was out of town for a couple of week prior that I couldn’t put my feelers out and find us a party (or give ample time to people to attend my own BBQ) but secretly, I believe that we are entering the area that I hate to call “My Old-Person Years” and I will simply enjoy my time hanging out in my backyard.