
Lyric Analysis: Living on a Prayer

In a new (potentially ongoing) segment, let’s do some lyric analysis.

Taken from listening to some Bon Jovi with Trish this morning over a muffin, I noticed the following line in Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi (which may or may not be Pam and my favourite Bon Jovi tune).

“Working for her man, she brings home her pay for love – for love”

Alright, we all know what this song is supposedly about. Tommy and Gina, working hard to make a living but they have each other. Awwww.

But what the heck is this? Gina is working for her man, bringing home her pay for love.

Is Tommy secretly a prostitute? I mean…who comes home to pay for love?

This absurb revelation was brought you to by Trish and Ryan.

iplaying: Wrapping Paper – Cream

9 replies on “Lyric Analysis: Living on a Prayer”

These revelations may result in making Trish and Ryan look like they are completely out of their minds or that they work for the government and have too much time on their hands. :o)
Sweet pic! I love the old school big hair bon jovi!


I agree with Trish in that:

“they work for the government and have too much time on their hands.”

Let’s hear it for the Government workers! I believe Trish and Ryan have such great time management skills that they can afford to take some time to think of Jon Bon.

Or, if you can’t find his number, maybe you need to look to some of the other songs on the same album.
If love is truly a social disease and she brings home her pay for love, then she is bringing home her pay for a social disease. Just a little something to think about…

Personaly, and this is just me but I think that it is the other way around, I seems like she is the prostitute and he the pimp.

Mike L

Trish you bring up such a good point…

I just to think jon bon was so hot but only when he had the big hair not so much after the haircut.

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