
Review: Jaws

Yes, it’s true.  I have never seen Jaws until this year.  I may have caught a bit of it on TV once but quickly turned it off since I wanted to watch the entire Spielburg epic.  I don’t think I have to really explain this one…released in 1975, it became the first ‘summer blockbuster’ of film; a story about a shark attacking the waters of a beach town.

Eric, Annie and I watched this with great anticipation.  They had already seen it so it was nothing new to them.  But for me, it was exciting to think of watching a film that stood the test of time.  Overall, the film was great.  I really enjoy older films as they spend more time spacing the film out…a lot more character development, a lot more dead-time as I like to call it.  Spielburg is just starting out in his film making here and already I can see that his thoughts on specific camera shots and pacing of the film are high caliber.

I had a good laugh when Jaws perished as I didn’t see it coming until the end and I thought there was no way they would kill him off in that matter…but they did and it was grand.

I can’t say I’m really scared to go into the water after seeing this film, but at the same time, there are no sharks in the lakes around here, right?

One reply on “Review: Jaws”

You mean Jaws dies at the end!?!?!

On another topic, I called Microsoft, and they will replace the xbox 360, so next time we won’t be stuck with sticky frames of people getting eaten by a shark.

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