
Being Called Loser by a Stranger

So I was off sick on Monday and Wednesday from work and Krista had the following email conversation with someone whom she THOUGHT was me, but in reality, she accidentally reversed my last/first name in my email and met someone else who shares my name.

Conversation Transcript:

From: Krista

Are you home sick today?
Sent from my Blackberry

From: Palmer
To: Krista

No, why?

Sent from my iPhone

From: Krista
Sent from my Blackberry

From: Palmer
To: Krista


Sent from my iPhone

From: Krista
Hope that you are feeling better.  Did you know that tomorrow is Amelier’s  birthday?!
Sent from my Blackberry

So this morning I see that she has sent this email to the wrong person and I tell her but she says that’s not possible as she was talking to me yesterday and shows me this conversation she was having with this guy.  Turns out that she called the guy a loser thinking it was me writing down ‘sent from my iphone’ at the end of the email in response to her ‘sent from my blackberry’ message that appears on her Blackberry.

In the end, some poor guy who shares my name was called a loser by a random girl yesterday.  Poor guy.

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