
Daddy-O Gone

I must admit I’m a little bummed right now since my dad left this morning. He has been here for the past five days which was great. I never really get a chance to hang out with my family like that anymore since we live so far away from each other. I’m sending some great thanks out to him for helping me out with the house over the past week. I would probably be working on the house until April 2007 if he didn’t come by. It’s a shame that I couldn’t spend more time with him during the day but some of us have to work and the vacation days are dwindling due to EuroTrip 2005. Hey, speaking of which, I finally managed to cut all photos down from 2200 photos to 1000 photos from my 5 week jaunt in Europe. I’m planning to start uploading them to the Internet soon so I’ll let you know when that’s done.

Next Up: Study for that PM-03 written exam on Thursday. Yikes! Essay due next Thursday in which I inconveniently (conveniently?) misplaced the list of topics to write about…and I have another written exam for a PM-04 position next week. Good thing the weekend is approaching. Oh yes, and I must not forget to boycott EMI.