
Review: Star Wars – The Clone Wars (TV Series)

clone-wars-02.jpgI must say that I’m not really on the ‘up’ concerning Star Wars subjects of late.  I knew there would be a TV series starting up sometime soon but lo and behold, it started this past Friday so I downloaded the first two episodes.

They are great!  The graphics are amazing.  This isn’t your 1967 Spider-Man series!  The series takes place between Episode II and III and I am loving the fact that Asajj Ventress is back as she didn’t appear in the movies but was tied into everything which was the Clone Wars.

I also like how there will be different facets of the universe shown in each episode.  For example, the first one dealt with Yoda and three clone warriors in a battle.  The next episode focussed on Anakin and his new apprentice Asoka?  Ashoka? Looking for survivors from a fleet which was destroyed.  This let us see a little more about the Jedi Master Plo Kloon as well.

All in all, I think I’ll really like how they will add a lot more to the characters that you may only see a bit of during the films.  Granted, Yoda and Anakin are major players in the film, but I enjoyed seeing what makes the clone warriors tick (they all had different hairstyles which I thought was neat…just because you’re a clone doesn’ mean you can’t have a different haircut).

Check out the series!  It should be excellent.