
On the Road: Toronto for the Smashing Pumpkins

I’m currently working from Toronto today as well as tomorrow.  I managed to secure a workstation here in a Government building so that I wouldn’t have to take time off to go see the Smashing Pumpkins tonight and tomorrow night.  To recap, I am going to see their 20th Anniversary tour which promises to be a look into the past, present and future of the Pumpkins.  Last week they played the Bridge School Benefit concert and already played three new songs along with nine other musicians on stage.  This reminds me of the Adore tour where they had quite a few more musicians on stage with them.  I listened to the Atlanta Adore tour bootleg on my way down here and forgot how much the Adore tour was with the addition of others on stage.

I have gone on blackout mode for the rest of the weekend in terms of Pumpkins news as I want to be surprised as to what is played at the concert.  The show consists of one setlist spread over two nights, the first night called ‘Black Sunshine’ (probably a lot of the heavier tunes) and the second night is ‘White Crosses’. (probably the easier going stuff).  They are playing at Massey Hall which is such an iconic venue in terms of music history (see Neil Young and others) so I’m sure they will bring the rock tonight.

On Saturday I drove up to Aunt Dinah and Uncle Richard’s place and hung out with them for the evening.  After having an amazing roast dinner, I made some DVDs of slideshow from their Hawaii pictures.  The Mac is amazingly versatile in doing this and it was very simple. 

On Sunday we went to breakfast at Cora’s along with Dwayne and Wendy’s family and then I headed downtown where I am spending the next few days with the ever gracious, ever beautiful Katie.  She brought me out curling last night which was super fun and I also got to see Paul and Val as well as meet Dawn and Nathan who were good people.

Now I’m looking forward to heading to Massey Hall for 8PM and seeing what will happen.  Will I be impressed?  Most assuredly.  Will I see some great tour posters commemorating the event?  That would be cool too.  Can I get a bootleg of the show?  Luckily, this is the first tour that they will sell soundboard recordings!  I already have them ordered.

The night can’t go wrong.

Random Note: I heard that Maureen hit a moose (she’s alright!) the other night coming back from Timmins.  Maureen, I’m glad you’re alright and that the car is alright and just think…you have gone through what not many people have.  So take that knowledge in your back pocket and realize behind the wheel of the car, clearly you have nothing to worry about!  Don’t take that as advice to go Evil Kenievel on us.