
This Girl is Crazy!

Let me tell you about Vero this co-op term.

In my opinion, she is on the worst co-op term EVER. Why?

She has no Internet.

Ugh. I mean, working in a regular position without the Internet would be deadly, but a co-op position where they are notorious for being really, really boring? Gak.

I feel for her, I really do. That, coupled with the fact that the closest bus still drops her off 20 minutes away from work doesn’t help my thoughts of her going through crazy snow storms only to arrive at work and sit in front of a computer which is essentially useless because of no Internet.

I want those out there that were in the workforce before the Internet to recount some tales of how the heck the day went by.

iplaying: Feel Good – Cafe Del Mar

10 replies on “This Girl is Crazy!”

No internet at coop!
Where is the union when u really need them….
Gameboy might do the trick though.

Thanks for feeling for me guys but I have to say that it doesn’t really bother me not to have Internet, seriously. But it seems that the world would stop turning if a such thing would happen to my geeky boyfriend.

Yikes, no Internet. Vero, wanna borrow a rubik cube or something?

BTW, why do you limbo at your workplace?


oh, the by the way, I think it’s wicked you get to limbo at work. My work is way too full of prudes.

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