
Review: Once // Eavestrough Hell

On Sunday morning I noticed it stopped raining so I knew what that meant.  Time to get cracking on winterizing the house.

First stop – Home Depot.  I was determined to finally fix the eavestrough.  I had determined that the leak was not coming from the eavestrough at all, but from the siding next to it.  I did pull out the ladder to examine it once again (an annual task at this point.)

It turns out that half my theory was correct and that the bottom of the siding leaked but also the eavestrough was still leaking.  The problem with the eavestrough leaking is that it hits the concrete slab beneath it and over the years it has now become waterlogged.  Not a good situation.

Hitting up Home Depot I bought a bunch of stuff…a new end cap, some screws, some random metal pieces that I figured I could fashion to divert some water…and some new caulking for good measure.  Lord knows I love caulking.  Actually, it’s impossible to deal with outside in the eavestrough and I really hate using it.  Even later today, it haunted me as I squeezed the trigger and nothing was coming out so I squeezed again and of course I didn’t realize there would be a delayed reaction and the stuff went everywhere.  Sigh.

In the end, the end cap was of no use as it was harder to pull the old one off so I decided to remove all old caulking and try again but this time screwing in the end cap into the eavestrough.  After spending an hour on the eavestrough, I would like to think that it will finally be fixed but that is wishful thinking.  I also worked on a corner joint which was also leaking but the caulking job was to be desired.  Vero had a good laugh at it later.

After the job with the eavestrough was completed, Vero and I hit the town again for various items which also brought us to the mall where I picked up the film Once and The Beatles: A Hard Day’s Night film.  We headed home and settled into watch Once which was an excellent, excellent film about a busker on the streets of Dublin who meets a girl whom he proceeds to make beautiful music with (no really, that’s what they do, it’s not an analogy) and it’s really a touching film.  It almost seemed like a promotional film for the soundtrack as all the songs were played in full for the camera.  It’s quite moving and it specfically looks at how love can be more than physical.  I will definitely watch it again and recommend it to all music lovers out there.

After Vero left I went ahead and assembled the filing folders I bought and finally got around to putting all my papers into files.  This has probably been a 10 year project but was finally completed.  Now I can say I have all my old cellphone bills in one spot!  Actually, I was shaking my head wondering why I was actually keeping old cellphone bills considering I don’t even have a cellphone anymore but I said to myself “Self, you are here to file things away, not to question why you have them.”

I’m sure Vero would be shaking her head at this thought process as she made me bring a box of clothes to the Salvation Army as it had been in my closet for three years now.  Procrastinator?  Nah.  Then she started questioning if I needed all my stuff in my house.  I avoided that question like the plague with the simple truth…yes.  I definitely need every item in the house.

3 replies on “Review: Once // Eavestrough Hell”

Did you finally get around to organizing your song books? From last I saw they were in dire need of some attention!

I also loved Once. The soundtrack is really good, although a bit sad. But one or two good and angry songs too… out in the end.

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