
Bellisimo Vero

Some of you may not know this, but Vero left for Italy this morning! Her work is sending her there for two weeks to film some veterans who are over there taking a look at the ‘Hitler Run’. Not knowing what this is, I shall take a look on Wikipedia right now and find out. Huh…I didn’t find it. Clearly, I am mixing up the words and I’m sure Troy will correct me with the correct terminology of some infamous Hitler Run that took part in Italy.

Let’s be honest here…everyone reading this is quite jealous right now. Where’s some of the cooler terrain you’ve been sent to on this Earth? I know Joe travels up to the Arctic quite a bit for work which I always thought would be a fun trip. Rob has been quite a few places around the world to teach people the correct way to handle nuclear thingies, I have been to Halifax.

Where have you been to?

iplaying: FEZ – Being Born – U2 (No Line on the Horizon)

7 replies on “Bellisimo Vero”

I have never heard of the “Hitler Run”. It could possibly be a term for the battles that occurred as the Canadians fought their way up “the boot” in Italy, starting with the invasion of Sicily, then battles at Ortona, and the Liri Valley. The Germans were forced to withdraw to the Hitler Line and made a last stand at the Gothic Line which was meant to be a impregnable fortified position. The Canadians managed to open a hole through the Gothic Line sending the Germans running… maybe that is what Vero is there to cover.

I would love to go over with some veterans to hear their stories and see the old battlefields for myself.

For the record, your Grandmother and Tom have been to Italy many times…. and…. this fall your aunt Lois and I are going to Italy, France, and a cruise over a 3 week span. Too bad we did not find out that Vero was going over to Italy earlier…. keeping secrets from us are we????? shame on you !!

From most interesting to least order… I’ve been to Iqaluit, Montreal, Toronto and Detroit for work.

Just an update here: the term we used was the ”Hitler Line”, as Troy actually mentioned. Ahhhhh, such a moving experience! I feel VERY lucky to have been part of this, still can’t believe what a great opportunity that was!!! I’ll keep you updated on how you can view the videos we produced!

The only thing I’ll say at this point is that I now have a new boyfriend: an 85 year old veteran from WWII !!!! 😛

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