
How Close to the Hydrant Officer?

It has been a few years that I’ve wondered how close I am allowed to park close to a fire hydrant in Ottawa.  There have been a few times going to school where I didn’t block the hydrant, but it was pretty darn close.  Here is some by-law information from Ottawa!  Here’s some interesting notes…

6.When official signs have been erected, no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway:

in front of or within eight (8) metres of a lot on which there is a fire hall, on the side of the highway on which the fire hall is located;
on the opposite side of a highway from that on which a fire hall is located and within thirty (30) metres of the projected lot lines of the lot on which such firehall is located;
within fifteen (15) metres of an intersection;
within thirty (30) metres of an intersection controlled by a traffic control signal;
in front of the main entrance to, or any emergency exit from, any hotel, hospital, nursing home, theatre, auditorium or other building or enclosed space in which persons may be expected to congregate in large numbers;
within thirty (30) metres of the approach side of a crosswalk that is controlled by a traffic control signal and not located at an intersection;
within fifteen (15) metres of the leaving side of a crosswalk that is controlled by a traffic control signal and not located at an intersection;
so as to interfere with the formation of a funeral procession; or
within fifteen (15) metres of the end of the roadway on a dead end highway.

7.           No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on any highway:

within nine (9) metres of an intersection;
within three (3) metres of a point on the curb or edge of roadway opposite a fire hydrant;
in front of or within one and one-half (1.5) metres of a laneway or driveway;
so as to obstruct a vehicle in the use of any laneway or driveway;
in such a position that will prevent the convenient removal of any other vehicle previously parked or standing;
so as to prevent or impede the ingress to or egress from a metered parking space despite its use for any other purpose;
for the purpose of displaying the vehicle for sale;
for the purpose of greasing, or repairing the vehicle except for such repairs as have been necessitated by an emergency;
for the purpose of stripping or partially stripping the vehicle except for such stripping as has been necessitated by an emergency;
on the roadway where the roadway width is six (6) metres or less;
subject to paragraph (l) hereof, on an inner boulevard; or
on a driveway within one half (0.5) metre of a sidewalk, or if there is no sidewalk, within one and one half (1.5) metres of the roadway.

Three metres…I’ve definitely been closer than that, that’s a fer sure.  I will have to bring out the handy metre stick the next time I’m around town!