
Jog Around The Canal

Melissa opened up her own Running Room type thing where we essentially get together and…run! Seeing that time is on my side these days, what better way to spend time with friends?

I met up with the Valenti clan and met Anthony and Gabby (although I must wonder if I did meet them years ago? I must have.) and then we found Melissa and Mike along with Lola and Gigi. Rounding out the pack was marathon runner James who ran the circuit and drove home by the time we were finished? I was thinking he had done a second run but no, he was back home! James has always struck me as quite the athlete ever since I’ve met him. I shall try and keep up with him the next round.

I am not sure what it was…the beautiful scenery of the Canal, the eight year old kid next to me to keep me company, or maybe the fact that I haven’t been out jogging in awhile…but it seemed like so much less of a chore than it does while jogging around the suburbs of Orleans. I can’t put my finger on it. I find it grueling to jog around Orleans. I just go by house upon house and it’s quite lackluster. Perhaps I need to find a more scenic route to jog along. Or perhaps it’s the conversation that passed the time more? I shall do a scientific study.

Hey, what do you know…I feel like blogging again. It’s been awhile old friend. Hopefully I’ll be back for awhile now with my thoughts.

If you feel like going for a jog every Thursday with us, come join us! It doesn’t cost anything like all those other organized sports in town.

One reply on “Jog Around The Canal”

Out of the entire article, the only things that sticks is, “the eight year old kid next to me to keep me company.” Does that an eight year old can keep pace with you?

I do have yo say however that I do not believe you and I would have the same goals in jogging. From your comments, it looks like you are out to have a good time and socialize, whereas when I go out, I’m out to find my limit. If I can hold a conversation, I’m not pushing myself hard enough.

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