
Review: Collective Soul – Home

Ever since C. Soul have created their own label, they are pumping out some great stuff other than their great albums.

Here we have their new live concert DVD – Home. Home has C.Soul playing along with the Atlanta Youth Orchestra for a bunch of tunes.

Mike and I popped this in last night and it started off…weak. We don’t know what to think of the new guitarist. AND, it turns out that they have a new drummer also who really got on my nerves because of the way he held his drumsticks. Then Ed Roland seemed full of himself while prancing around. It didn’t seem natural…it was like an act.

So…all whining aside, after awhile the show grew on the both of us. We realized like any rock show, sometimes it needs some time to gel. We became amazed at some of the songs with the orchestra attached as the fifth instrument of the band…very slick stuff. I was getting chills!

By the end of it, I gave the DVD two thumbs up. Very good show and I’m glad that C.Soul actually has some form of live album out now that I can listen to on the iPod.

2 replies on “Review: Collective Soul – Home”

I like how you threw in the “gel” comment. Very subtle song reference! 😉

Have you tried “From the Ground Up”? I just picked it up a few days ago and it’s all accousitc stuff (mainly from Youth, but some older). Anyways, it’s really good! And thanks for doing this review, I’m going to be picking it up tonight after work!

I do have From the Ground Up.

Excellent stuff. CSoul rules now that they have random releases like this.

I also have a radio concert they did for the Bear last year when Youth was released. I’ll try and find it…it’s on some unlabeled CD that my friend recorded. I’ll pass it to James one day when I find it.

I enjoy a lot of the DVD due to the fact that there are some songs where they only use the orchestra – no drums/guitar. Pretty cool.

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