
OC Transpo: Lack of Bilingual Service?

While on the bus ride home yesterday, I noticed that they have installed those nifty electronic announcement systems inside the bus that will let people know what the next stop is. Well, at least on the Transitway where my bus was running.

However, I noticed one peculiar thing. It was only in English.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t there a big issue with OC Transpo drivers not announcing the bus stops in both languages? So now the electronic computer voice doesn’t either?

Methinks this smells fishy.

5 replies on “OC Transpo: Lack of Bilingual Service?”

I got the opposite this morning……French only…I agree, seems a little fishy, not to mention a bit of a waste of money.
Granted, I’m bitter given that their on the verge of cutting my express route altogether to save money!

” Eric
January 27th, 2010 on 12:23 pm

I got so fed up with OC transpo last year that I quit taking the bus altogether.” ….

Read’s Eric got a second vehicle so he quit taking the bus.

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