
The Hunt for a Good Barber in Orleans

barberpoleLast night I went to the only place I’ve ever really found to get a haircut in Orleans; First Choice Hair Salon. While they don’t do a bad job, I find myself missing the age-old barber shop where the barber would chat to you about whatever is on your mind…fishing, Olympics, that blond walking past the store.

I didn’t get one word out of the hairdresser yesterday and my favourite part was that they asked me if I had a ‘coupon’. This happened to me before and they said “Don’t forget your online coupon for next time to get a discount!”. Listen up, if I come to get a haircut at your establishment, I would hope you would give me the discounted price with or without coupon, ya hear?

So I’m on the hunt for a good barber in Orleans. I specify Orleans because Mike always recommends his barber at Snobby’s (Laurier Ave near the University of Ottawa). While I suppose it wouldn’t be too much out of my way to go to it after work one day, I like the idea of having the option of having a barber in my own community and now twenty kilometers away.

Help me out people! Where can I get an old school barber shop?

2 replies on “The Hunt for a Good Barber in Orleans”

GO Snobby’s!!!

Although the prices have gone up over the years I still love this place. He keeps track of when your last haricut was through some software program that a university of Ottawa Student wrote for him in exchange for free haircuts many years ago.

I especially love going there around the holidays as he usually has a bar frige full of beer and a well stocked bar so that you can have a drink or two while you wait for your turn.

Hummmm … I think I am about due for another cut.

Go buzz cut or go bald, save money
15.00 (cheap cut) per cut per 6 times a yr
= 90.00 per year
x 10 years = 900 in this deacade

= a new big screen TV every decade

or just grow your hair long !!!

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