
Cosmic Rays the Cause of Toyota’s Problems?

Wired has an excellent article about how there is a theory about how cosmic rays may be the cause of Toyota’s woes.

All I have to say is that if this isn’t the case, I sure as hell want to congratulate the marketing genius at Toyota for thinking of this story!

(Scene: Boardroom at Toyota HQ)
Head: Alright people, we need to come up with an explanation for those mechanical parts that have broken.
Marketing Person #1: How about faulty components from our Ontario plants?
Head: Not bad, not bad…
Marketing Person #2: How about we tell them that we were experimenting with flux capacitor technology in hopes to give the Delorean a run for its money?
Head: I think you’re pushing the limit there.
Marketing Person #3 (after putting down his comic book): Why don’t we just say that we think that some cosmic rays may be interfering with the electronics on the car?
Head: Great Scott! You’ve got it!