
Fostex MR-8HD Woes

Yesterday during the day was going fine and dandy but little things creeped up in the evening that put me in sour mood.

First up was having to scan about 30 pages of mortgage application forms and then find out later that night that the broker couldn’t print them off! Doh!

Second up was the fact that my musical muse is starting to creep back into me (must be the lovely sunsets seen from the office window around 8PM) so I took a crack at writing some lyrics for a song of Troy’s that I’ve been toying with for awhile.

I finally realized that I was hitting a writer’s block at a certain point and I have been for the past six months on this particular tune. So I finally said “Screw it, I’m going to record what I have and use it as a working piece that I can send to Troy and bounce some ideas off of.” The problem is, I have packed up all my worldly belongings and they are in the basement. I pondered if I should tear open some boxes to find the microphone.

In the end, I did just that. With microphone and headphones in hand, I went to the office and pulled out the trusty Fostex MR-8HD recording unit and set it up. All I had to do is load up audio from the Macbook and voila, I could record vocals.

However, there was one flaw in this plan. Turns out that the software that integrates with the MacBook and the Fostex is not working anymore. Clearly this must be due to me upgrading to Snow Leopard a few months ago. Nooooooo! I spent the next few hours searching for information on the Internet but to no avail.

At 10PM when Vero got back, I left the Fostex in disgust and wondered what I’m going to do with this hunk of junk now that I can’t even use it with my computer. Argh.

To top it all off, no potential buyers knocking on my doors. Thanks for the selling tips Uncle Gary! Much appreciated! Also, I would like to thank Katie and Aunt Lana for reminding me of the greatest trick in the book for washing windows…vinegar! How could I forget that?

One reply on “Fostex MR-8HD Woes”

That sucks!!! Now that you’ve loaded Windows on to your computer, it should work fine. Can’t wait to hear the lyrics you came up with for the music I wrote!!!

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