
Diploma Received!

I had a pretty eventful day yesterday. I had an interview at work as well as get my diploma in the mail!

For those of you who have lost track, I actually finished University last year, but I missed the convocation and they only print out the diplomas once a year so I had to wait!

Turns out that I am Cum Laude. I’m going to assume that this means I’m smarter than my own mother, but considering I don’t even know what it means, I can’t be THAT smart.

Also, Rob called me yesterday saying he found a gold mine of moving boxes at the local elementary school. We loaded up the vehicles and the garage is now full of 100+ boxes. This was like winning the lottery! Forget the $50M from Lotto Max!!!

So the packing shall commence soon enough now that we have tons of boxes. It will be a busy month of June as Vero is heading on training in Maine near the end of June and we will both be away most weekends. Here’s to hoping that we get around to packing!

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