
It’s Official: Gollum to run again

**Picture taken from the Ottawa Citizen news article.

It’s definitely official…the man who is Mayor in Ottawa is running for another term.

I’m actually excited that he is running again for the fact that I was saying the other day that I don’t really know of what he or the city council have accomplished in the past four years. With him running again, I’m sure his promotional campaign will make it clear what they accomplished!

Too bad that they can’t really put anything that matters to us most…the future of public transit (Hello Light Rail!), street expansion (is it just me or is Trim Road faster to walk down than to drive down these days?), and general awesomeness.

My favourite moment of the Mayor being in Office is when the day after he was elected, Mike says “I’m sure glad I didn’t vote for that guy!” but meanwhile, the month before that he was commenting about how he was excited to see him in office and when it came down to the vote, I think an episode of Golden Girls was on and he decided to watch that instead.

Mike, history will never forget that you thought Gollum would have made a decent mayor. At least the history of Palmer won’t allow it to be hidden from the public!

Anyhow, here’s to an interesting election. I’m excited to see how the spin doctors will make it sound like the Mayor accomplished much of all. $10 says they’ll mention something about a successful bus strike in the cold cold winter months of ’09!

One reply on “It’s Official: Gollum to run again”


On paper he was a good candidate. But like all politicians … he promised the world and delivered nothing. In fact we probably actually lost out on a lot of things. I am sure that the taxpayers are the ones that ended up paying for the legal bills that were his influence peddling scandal.

I would love to see a politician with a campaign that is honest and straight up who says they make no promises to deliver anything but will try their best to accomplish at least something.


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