
KC’s Country Inn

Last night, Vero and I had date night. She is finished with her theater practices so she has some time for herself. So we decided it was due time to find out what Vars and our surroundings were all about.

We headed over to KC’s Country Inn which is a restaurant/motel/gas station (as it says on the sign near the highway!). We had a feeling that we were not in for fine dining but we didn’t mind. We walked in to find we were the only other couple there for supper. It was classic Canadiana restaurant…vinyl covered chairs, paper placemats with advertisements from local businesses, a menu indicating the specials of the day, and interesting trinkets like Harley Davidson stickers on the fans or statues of people with rifles. It was a perfect example of Canadiana Restaurants.

Before I start off, I can only imagine the menu would go something like this: one page dedicated to pizza, another section having some Italian pasta dishes (are there any other?), some burgers, a sandwich section with the almighty club sandwich, and a section dedicated to liver and onions. Sure enough, that’s exactly what we got! We chatted with the waitress to find out the scoop with the restaurant and she said that a lot of people come in for the liver and onions. I will save that meal for Dad and Mom when they come up!

Vero ordered a pizza (which I convinced her to upgrade to a medium but I failed to have one piece because I was too full) and I had the Veal Parmwich special which came with a soup and some mashed potatoes on the side. It wasn’t anything too special…deep-fried veal covered in spaghetti sauce on a hamburger bun. The pizza looked pretty darn good though. We enjoyed the service and will remember to go to the place another time. Supposedly it’s jam packed for breakfast.

We then headed off driving towards Embrun and felt like getting to know our surroundings. I personally enjoy the look of Embrun, with it’s abundance of pizza shops and about 75 hair salons for a population of 5,000. Vero said “The people want to be beautiful!” We then hooked up towards Limoges (home of the nation’s biggest water park supposedly) and was pleasantly surprised to see that it’s a little bigger than we realized. They had a library and a few stores here and there which is more than Vars has! At least it’s only 8km away.

We toured around Vars a bit to figure out some neat bike routes to take around the country…Vero also introduced me to the trailer park which surprised me in the fact that it wasn’t your typical trailer park at all! Sure, there were some trailers, but the majority of them were small bungalows or really nice trailers. It was a really nice area of Vars and I will never make fun of the trailer park in Vars again! In fact, we were spying a trailer for Mike to purchase. Perfect for a bachelor!

A tour around our new area and some good grub is what I would like to call a perfect night with my lady.