Concert Reviews

Review: Whale Tooth (!!), The Roots, Ben Harper – Bluesfest Day 2

Showed up at Trish’s place with a 12-pack under my arm and spent some time on her front porch until she got home.  Then I met her neighbour who turns out to be a uber-Pearl Jam like myself (maybe more so!) so it was great to geek out with a fan of that caliber.

Vero, Trish and I then headed down to the fairgrounds.  The front gate seemed a little cramped as well as the North gate so we decided to try out the gate on the other side of the War Museum.  Perfect, perfect choice and it led us straight to the Hard Rock stage where there were approximately six people there waiting for Whale Tooth.  I picked up a few beers (which I haven’t even mentioned yet…Mill Street is once again at the event and I’m a happy camper.  Plus, they have a Ginger Beer which is pretty darn good.) and met up with Andre and Karilee who brought me to the front rail in front of the stage.  I think that may have been the first time I have ever been that close to the stage which was cool!  We were there to see Whale Tooth…a band from Toronto whose members share Andre as one of their friends.

Seriously, right when the first song started up, I knew I would love this band.  Energetic rhythm, kick-ass female lead vocals, some harmonies once in awhile, sharply dressed…this was indie rock at its best.  I love something that gets you moving and they got me moving.  My ultimate litmus test is whether or not Vero liked the band (she is quite harsh on bands sometimes!) and she loved them.  Mission accomplished!  They even nailed a cover of a Blondie tune whose name escapes me at the moment.  I believe they impressed everyone.  I couldn’t even buy their CD at the end of the night!  Sold out!  What the heck?!  This will definitely not be the last time I see this band and I highly encourage everyone to check out Whale Tooth if they have a chance.

I received a text message from Maren saying she was over at the Roots stage and it turns out that the cell towers were wonky again tonight (text messages not being sent, received, delayed, etc.) so she never got my text asking where she was until three hours later!  Doh!  Oh well.  I headed over there and listened to the Roots for awhile.  I am definitely not one with the hip-hop, but Dave had told me I would enjoy their live show.  They were energy on stage and I enjoyed what I heard, but I’m a solid rock and roll guy through and through.

Unfortunately for me, when I had run off to get a beer with Steve, I ended up returning to our ‘other’ spot which is closer to the main stage and not where my friends were waiting.  I had thought I had told them to meet me at the main stage but they were waiting for me for 30 minutes.  I felt pretty bad but that still is no excuse for Andre and Mike drinking the beer I left with Trish!  Bastards!  I was counting on that beer since I was buying another beer for birthday boy Mark!

Ben Harper and the Relentless7 took the stage and it was like I was at Bluesfest a year ago…last year I didn’t know much Ben Harper.  Since then, I picked up a few killer albums and enjoyed every moment of the night.  I can’t begin to describe how great this act is.  This is an excellent blues/folk act to follow.  I felt that Ben’s voice wasn’t up to par this night…I think he was struggling with the higher notes.  But that man can play some sweet, sweet slide guitar.

It was a good collection of songs.  A lot from their “White Lies for Dark Times” album and a few which must be from his new solo album.  The piece de resistance was ending the night with Zeppelin’s ‘No Quarter’ and CSNY ‘Ohio’.  Fantastic!

I can’t say I had too many complaints last night.  I am starting to enjoy the new stage layout.  I find I can stroll in and out of the crowd easily (and more easier than years past) which is a great thing.  I didn’t think it was possible but it looks like this may actually be a decent stage layout for Lebreton Flats.

I want to put a special shout out to Mark Monahan and crew for making some logistical adjustments on the fly (adding more gates, etc.).  Bluesfest is a hard beast to keep running and the crew makes the effort to make sure people are having a good time.

Now, where the heck can I get a Whale Tooth album?!


Number With No Name
Burn to Shine
Lay There & Hate Me
Diamonds On The Inside
Dirty Little Lover
Burn One Down
Walk Away
Don’t Give Up On Me Now
Ground On Down
Rock ‘n’ Roll Is Free
Fly One Time
No Quarter (Led Zeppelin cover)
Ohio (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young cover)