
Maureen and John’s Wedding


IMG_1651, originally uploaded by palm0014.

Well, I must say that I had a great time at Maureen and John’s wedding. Sure, being an MC is trying at times…dealing with microphone issues, ensuring people have a laugh…it’s a job, really. But I would work my ass off any day of the year for my sister and John.

You know, someone mentioned how they look at each other and the love in their eyes and I realized that’s so true. They click more than a mouse in a game of Quake.

I had the great honour of being part of a grand surprise which was John surprising Maureen with a honeymoon in Punta Cana instead of a week in Niagara Falls. I thought the delivery (proposed by John) was fantastic! I had a good laugh when Maureen thought that Vero and I had bought her a trip to Punta Cana when we pulled the reservations out of the magic box!

The time on stage with Troy was one of my favourites of my life. It was hard to play with the drums and when the monitors cut out, but that’s all things performers deal with, I suppose. I really enjoyed it and I sometimes wonder why the heck I’m not pursuing it a little more.

I could write for days about the wedding, but all that I care about is that Maureen and John had an amazing time! The Popes and the Palmers came together, organized the hell out of the place and it was a super night.

Too bad I forget to ask Uncle Pete to say Grace. Feel bad about that one, but oh well. I can’t remember everything.