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Review: Whale Tooth and Mother Mother – Bronson Center

Mother MotherI went to the Bronson Center to check out Mother Mother as well as my new favourite band…Whale Tooth!  Whale Tooth is this amazing band that Andre knows from Belleville.  I checked them out at Bluesfest and was blown, blown away.  So my anticipation for seeing them again was very high.  But would they deliver again?

A bunch of us went to the Heart and Crown for a bite to eat beforehand.  It was good to go with a bunch of people this time around.  Andre, Karilee, Mike, Rachel and her friend all headed to the Bronson Center for what was to be an excellent time!

We got there quite early in order to see Whale Tooth and there was quite a long lineup.  Thank the maker that it isn’t really cold yet in the Capital so it was standing outside for awhile.  When we entered Live 88.5 was handing out sampler CDs of their live sessions which was pretty awesome.

Whale Tooth once again blew me away.  There is so much energy to this band and their melodies and hooks have me humming for days afterwards.  It is a crime that more people do not know of this band yet!  But I predict 2012 is the year they will explode.  Their first album is coming out and I really think they are going to be the biggest thing in Canada for awhile.  I even told my friends that I haven’t been this excited for a band since Sam Roberts came out.  I had a good chuckle at the look of shock on their faces and they realized I meant it.

I saw Mother Mother at Bluesfest and they have an infectious live show, and this show did not disappoint either.  I really enjoy the fact that they have three singers on stage and how they complement each other.  They seem to pull from a variety of different styles that seem to harken back to some old school dance tunes from the 90s.  But I must be dreaming but they rock way more than those bands!

Definitely check out Mother Mother and Whale Tooth whenever you get a chance!