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Review: Big Sugar – HOPE Volleyball 2011

There was no way in Hell that I was playing on a HOPE vball team this year considering how much of a zombie I was after a billion days at Bluesfest.

But the fact that Big Sugar was playing there convinced me to at least go for the later afternoon, enjoy some suds and then head over to Bluesfest!

The problem was, the day was the most gorgeous day in July anyone could wish for…which meant that EVERYONE came down to see HOPE Vball.  Which basically left us stuck outside the beer gardens with crowds hungry for beer.  It was ridiculous.  They had to bring in quite a few extra security/police officials to calm the masses.  After 30 minutes, they ended up allowing us in which was fine by me.  I was going to be quite upset if I missed out on Big Sugar!

Finding a spot on the grassy hill, we settled in for an afternoon of good times with some excellent tunes.  I was really digging the tunes from their new album as well.  But come on, the highlights are when you can feel the guitar hum from Gordie Johnson’s guitar amp!

After an excellent afternoon and some beers, it was time to head out to Bluesfest.  I don’t know if I handle this lifestyle!