Concert Reviews

Review: Death From Above 1979, Jane’s Addiction, Mother Mother – Bluesfest Day 11

Upon entering the Bluesfest grounds after an afternoon at HOPE Volleyball, I was in serious need of some food.  I could feel I looked quite disheveled.  I had been in the sun all day with some beers, I am working on zero sleep for the past 12 days…it wasn’t a good scene.

Luckily for me, my colleague Roula from work decided to notice me in a crowd and then introduce me to her husband who had this shocked look on his face that said “What happened to THIS guy?!”  I had a good laugh about it the week after while chatting with Roula as she basically said I looked like death warmed over!

First up was Death from Above 1979 which I never really got into…they were entertaining with their guitar/drum combo up on stage but not sure if I would invest a lot of time listening to them.  I find there are quite a few bands that pop up in the past five years that find a good jam/riff to play with and just give’r with some lyrics over top of it.  Hey, I can do that too!

Next up was the big draw of the night…Jane’s Addiction!  I can honestly say I do not know them at all, but Martin suggested a few albums to me and I had been listening to them for the past week and was curious as to how I never heard them before!  They were right smack dab in the middle of the alternative scene that I grew up with.

After a good 45 minutes of some excellent wailing from the band, we decided to mosey over to the Mother Mother show where Rachel was.  I must say that this was my first time seeing Mother Mother and they stole the show that night!  Forget Jane’s Addiction, this is where the energy was!  It was infectious…Vero was even dancing!  You know a band is great when it can automatically get Vero dancing!  I really enjoyed their two keyboard players.

DFA Setlist:
Turn It Out
Dead Womb
Going Steady
Too Much Love
Cold War
Black History Month
Go Home, Get down
Little Girl
Blood on Our Hands
You’re A Woman, I’m a Machine
Pull Out
We Don’t Sleep at Night
Romantic Rights
Do It!
If We Don’t Make It We’ll Fake It

Jane’s Setlist:
Up the Beach
Mountain Song
Ain’t No Right
Had a dad
Ted, Just Admit It…
Just Because
End to the Lies
Three Days
Been Caught Stealing
Ocean Size
Jane Says (acoustic)

Mother Mother:
Chasing it Down
The Stand
Calm Me Down
Original Spin
Simply Simple
Dirty Town
Wrecking Ball
Body of Years
Baby Don’t Dance
O My Heart
Sleep Awake