
Review: iOS Kingdom Rush

After hearing the Totally Rad Show’s review of Kingdom Rush, I figured I would try it out for 99 cents. I don’t often buy apps for the iPad, but sometimes I come to this realization that I don’t even know if I can buy anything for a buck anymore. Heck, a bag of potato chips costs me more than a buck!

I must say that I am a little addicted to this game for the past two days, much to Vero’s chagrin. It is a tower defense style game where armies try and get past you and you have to build armies, archers, mages and artillery to stop them in their tracks. Strategy is needed in the sense that some armies are invulnerable to certain attacks so you have to think how you want to place your armies out.

So far I am enjoying it quite a lot! It’s no Plants vs. Zombies, but I have grown a little tired of that game. I have already a hit a level where after ten tries, I still can’t manage to defeat it, and that’s only Level 10 out of 70!