
Winterlude! Visit with the Family

Vero and I had the pleasure of having Mom, Dad and Nanny Ruth over to the house over the Winterlude weekend.  Fun times were had and it’s always great to have Dad and Mom around to help out with little things that we can handle with some difficulty, but is nice to have a guiding hand.

Saturday we headed down to the Market to meet up with Lynn, Sue, Johnny and Aggie.  Unfortunately for all of us, everything Winterlude-wise was shut down.  The Canal, the ice sculptures, the snow sculptures…what a drag!  Especially for Nanny who desparately wanted to skate on the Rideau Canal!

We all wanted a bite to eat so we headed to the Clocktower Pub where he had to wait awhile for our food, but it was decent in the end.  The new IPA is a killer beer however.

However, by this time, it was 4PM and we all decided to head back to our house to hang out.  That was the extent of our Winterlude!  A trip for lunch downtown!  I did drive Nanny out to Kanata so that she could visit her cousin for the night.

We hung out at the homestead for the rest of the night and mowed down on some great chili which was made into a supreme chili after we added some homemade hot sauce/marinade that my friend Nat had acquired for me.  It was quite tasty which prompted Lynn to finish off about 18 bowls of chili to my dismay!

It was great to have Lynn, Sue, Johnny, Aggie and Mike and Joanne drop by to see the house!

Mike also showed up later and we hung out for a bit and I went to bed while he finished watching the Abyss on TV.

The next day was spent fixing the hot tub with Dad.  It turned out to be a larger project than foreseen.  Instead of being able to unscrew the air regulator for the jets, it was glued into the PVC pipe so we ended up having to cut out the entire t-section of PVC to get it out.  Bummer!  Then of course the regulator couldn’t be acquired that weekend so we had to put a temporary solution in so that the hot tub could still work, but the air regulator would be capped off.  We managed to get it done but then found out that the hot tub pump wasn’t working anymore!  Luckily, Dad gave a few twists to the shaft and it started working.  I was worried that we left it in the cold too long.  That’s the pain of having a hot tub in the winter!

We also started filming Mom and Dad’s old 8mm films with our new video camera.  That was an interesting experiment.  It took awhile to get everything in focus and looking as good as it could.  I even realized that hi-def was looking weird because it was picking up details from the actual projector screen!  It’s nice to have those film digitized though and it didn’t cost $200.

A great visit from the family that Vero and I appreciate every time!