
Vero’s Birthday

Vero’s birthday weekend was tons of fun. It started out with my parents and Nanny Sybil dropping by for a few days. On Friday, I arrived home to see Mom starting to make some wango tango pizzas which I helped her with. Vero was supposed to arrive with her parents from the airport around 5 but didn’t stroll into the house until around 7 due to a flight delay!

Vero’s parents were in fine form considering they just flew back from Paris. I figured the jet lag would have them in bed by 8PM but they were troopers and stayed up until 10. I also remember coming back from Paris one time and I didn’t fall asleep until 6AM!

Saturday I went around town with Dad to pick up some gifts and a giant cake from Costco. When I say giant, I don’t even think Andre the Giant could have finished this cake! It was a little ridiculous. 12 people at dinner ate ¼ of the cake. Luckily we managed to pawn it off on Vero’s Oncle Yves.

Can I just say that when Dad and I went to Costco for some beer, that I was quite disappointed? Not only have they got rid of the Molson Dry 55 pack, but now they don’t even have any good beers in tall cans! Kind of a useless trip for me.

Vero’s aunts and uncles came over for a birthday supper which turned out alright. We now currently have a fridge full of leftovers which I’m sure we will be eating until Christmas. At least it did not rain! I managed to convince Jean-Michel and his roommate Dominique to come in the hot tub with me for a bit which they loved.

Sunday morning I woke up to say goodbye to Vero’s parents and to go pick up Nanny who was staying with her sister Ethel out in Nepean. Luckily there wasn’t much traffic on the road and I made it there only a few minutes late! Ethel and Tom are very nice family and it was nice to meet and chat with them for awhile. They live in a fabulous neighbourhood west of Lee Valley Tools. I never realize that there were houses that beautiful around that area!

All in all, a jam packed weekend, but a fun one with family.