
First Piano Lesson

I’ve tried teaching myself piano a few times in my life but never stuck to it.  I have been thinking about signing up for lessons and I saw a sign outside our post box the other day so I thought I would give it a shot.

I’m in an interesting position…I’ve played guitar for nearly 20 years (self-taught), but I have little to no theory experience.  I’ve picked up pieces of theory from some lessons from Troy but I feel that sometimes I am questioning the simplest concepts because I haven’t been taught from the ground up.  Now that I’m attempting to write songs, I feel that learning to play piano would help this out immensely as a song writing tool.  I explained this all to the woman who would teach me as I didn’t want to enter there and start from the ground up.

After rushing through the rain to my first piano lesson, I arrived a few minutes late at a beautiful home a few kilometers away from my own house and there was a nice large sign saying Piano Lessons outside of the place!  This place is professional!

We chatted for awhile about how to go about it, and decided to just see where the wind takes us.  I already learned a few new tricks up my sleeve and will stick it out for another month at least.  Not sure how much time/money I want to invest but I should start getting used to the idea of taking it for at least six-twelve months to have a solid basis.

2 replies on “First Piano Lesson”

Good for you! The music theory will definitely help you not only with songwriting, but may open your eyes to chord/scale relationships with the guitar as well as the piano. It’s always good to challenge the mind. Good luck! Connie is also considering taking some piano lessons, maybe you could share some info on what she can expect when she eventually starts.

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