Concert Reviews Uncategorized

Review: Sound of Lions (Zaphod’s)

After pretty well doing nothing all Saturday afternoon, I dragged myself out of the basement to head downtown to meet up with Maren, Dave, Mikey and Jane to check out Whitney and Christian’s amazing band – Sound of Lions.

I started out with a nice beer at the Chateau Lafayette.  While I sat down inside for a bit, I realized that the real action was outside so I sat outside with pint in hand just people watching.  I find watching people amongst the hustle and bustle of the Market to be fascinating…it’s incredible when you think that each person has a story to their lives and you wonder where they are from.

The crew showed up shortly after and we retired inside for a few bevvies before heading over to Zaphod’s for the show.

What can I say about Sound of Lions?  Well, they were voted Best New Act and Best Album in 2011’s Ottawa Xpress Best of List, so that’s gotta say something.  This trip-hop band is quite an amazing act to follow and even if Maren wasn’t asking me to go out, I would probably catch them regardless.

It doesn’t hurt that they are really tight and they have so many different personalities on the stage.  Christian with his DJ table and mile an hour vocals, Whitney with her soulful voice and let us not forget the barefoot guitarist!  I had a moment of “What the heck!” when I noticed he was navigating his pedal board with his bare feet!

It was great seeing them again on stage.  I thought that the crowd was great, and it was fantastic seeing the band play a few new songs.  A band playing new songs is like a breath of fresh air…both for the crowd AND for the band.  I’m looking forward to seeing what else they have up their sleeve in the future!

Big shout out for the hot dog Maren dragged me over to after the show.  It was yummy.  Too bad Dave missed out.