
Movember 2012

For some of you, you’re thinking “THIS guy again?”

For others, you’re thinking “Good on you brother!”

For me, I’m thinking “Dang, it’s cold outside today! I need something to warm my upper lip!”

That is how moustaches across the world will be started today (except in Brazil where it’s probably freaking hot outside.)

This year, I along with my teammates in PaLoGa Brewmeisters (somehow we lost the La, but we gained a Ga!) will be doing our best to make sure men and women know about the Movember mo’vement and hopefully contribute to prostate cancer research.

If you’re reading this and thinking “Dang, I want to join up!” You are more than welcome to join the PaLoGa Brewmeisters team this year!

If you wish to donate to me this year, click on the following link:

If you wish to donate to the team as a whole, click on this link:

If you wish to receive awesome updates throughout the month of November…well, you’re going to receive them whether you like them or not!
