
Public Apology to Mike

Yesterday I asked Mike to pick up a copy of the Ottawa Citizen for me as it had the review of the Neil Young show we were at the night before.

He shows up to the house with a copy of the SATURDAY Ottawa Citizen, and not the one from Sunday. To make matters worse, it has a nice review of the Justin Bieber concert from the Friday night.

We laugh, we ridicule him, we taunt him with “What? You would rather read yesterday’s news instead of today’s?” and other mentions of time travel and whatnot.

After taking the brunt of these jokes, Vero and I walked to the corner store to pick up a copy of Sunday’s Citizen and discovered that the Ottawa Citizen doesn’t actually sell newspapers on Sunday!

So there you go. Sorry Mike for making you feel like a chump. Granted, we still know that you have an aversion to reading today’s news!