
It Was Like Christmas

Two days ago someone dropped by my office and told me to call the LAN team so they can install my new 19″ flatscreen monitor.

Oh baby. Christmas has come early.

I had forgotten they were giving me an extra one. I have held onto my dinosaur 20″ CRT monitor for the past 5 years since everyone was going for the ultra sleek (but ultra smaller at 17″) flatscreens. I would rather have size than aesthetics any day so I held out.

It paid off and I inherited a 19″ flatscreen. Booya.

The colour is more vibrant and I think the brightness was wacked on my old one so I’ve been visiting my favourite websites with a new experience.

Sure, I’m a geek. But heck, I really don’t care when I have something so cool in my possession.

And, to all those who want to complain about how I get the perks – two words. Get Bent. I work hard.

7 replies on “It Was Like Christmas”

Good things come to those who wait. Great job on the monitor — almost as great as Mike G. moving back!

Nicely played!!!

Unfortunately, when I took the new job I went from a P4 with over a gig of ram and a nice 17″ screen (at HBH) to an olllllld laptop (older than this company) that is a P3, 1.0 Ghz, 256 mb of Ram, and a 15″ screen (1024×768 bleh!).

And, they expect me run the website! I can’t even have the website open with the editor or else I crash my system!

I’m just hoping they upgrade me before the end of the summer :S

First of all: Kevin, too much geek talk for me.

Second of all: Mike is coming back!!?? Sweet!!! Way to go Mike!!!!!

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