
Great News, everything looks normal

So with pregnancy comes a lot of tests; bloodword, ultrasounds, etc.  I have to say that I have probably seen our Doctor more than I have ever seen her in the past decade!

Vero had gone for another blood test which they compare with the previous blood test to see if things a-ok and it sounds like they do!  Without any specifics yet (we are going to see the Doctor next week), that’s a relief.  Here I was hoping that we would be giving birth to the next form of homo-superior would have the ability to play every musical instrument known to man…hey, maybe there is still a chance since I doubt bloodwork can scan for mutants yet.

Right now, we are looking into the benefits of getting a midwife over an obstetrician.  I think we are leaning towards a midwife but having the baby in a hospital and not a birthing center.  Primary reason being that Montfort hospital has free wifi!  Heyo!