
Ultrasound #2

Continuing the story of the ultrasound after I declared ‘Je suis bander!”, we arrived for the appointment and went into the ultrasound technician’s room.


Not only did our technician live in Vars, but she was also from Smooth Rock Falls!  Small world!

An ultrasound is quite an interesting view of the world…let me tell you, I have a hard time telling what is what.  At one point they were telling us to look at the face and I was pretty sure I saw the face of Skeletor on the screen!  Then I realized I was looking at it completely wrong.


We have decided not to find out the gender of the baby (which has prompted interesting reactions from friends and family ranging from “Good for you!” to “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!”

So even if there was a penis on the screen, I don’t even think I would be able to tell what it is.  I will tell you that I did see something that looked like those space slugs from Star Trek – The Next Generation where Reginald Barclay is stuck in the transporter, but hey, who am I to know what that space slug actually is supposed to be on an ultrasound?

Our baby was known as the yoga master in that ultrasound appointment because it had their feet up near their ears.  Unfortunately, that meant that the technician couldn’t get some scans that she needed.  She asked that we take a break and move around a bit.

Vero attemped la danse des canard to shake things up and then sang ‘Shake it up baby now’ to get that baby moving.  Alas, that didn’t do much so we were asked to take twenty minutes, drink some juice and move around the hospital for twenty minutes.

Vero went into overdrive and realized that if we wanted to avoid coming back from another appointment, it was time to pull out the ‘Eye of the Tiger’!  She pulled out her best boxing moves and did some shadow boxing in the hallways of Montfort hospital.  Where is the security footage when you need it?


I also convinced her to step outside the hospital for a few minutes so that the shock of -30 degrees might get the baby moving.


Luckily, something worked out right and the baby went into a better position so we could take a better shot!  From what we could tell, everything looked fine, but hey, we aren’t experts.  I suppose we’ll hear from the doctor if anything peculiar has popped up.