
Pearl Jam coming To Ottawa!

Vero and I are pretty stoked that Pearl Jam is coming to town in the middle of May.  It’s a few weeks before the due date so I would be taking a chance trying to go to the Quebec City and Toronto show…imagine missing the birth of my own child!

However, we are also wondering if Vero will go into labour during the show due to sheer awesomeness which the kid will be exposed to.  Secretly I hope this is the case…imagine the story to tell that kid!  We’re totally calling the kid Boom if that happens! (named after Pearl Jam keyboardist Boom Gaspar for all those following along!)


In other news, we managed to acquire a crib from Chantal and John which is super appreciated.  We assembled in the living room and lo and behold, it’s too big to go through a doorway into the baby’s room!  Ah well, the room needs to be cleared out to be painted anyhow!


We are also scoping out daycare options as the City of Ottawa suggest we put our names on the waiting list during the second trimester.  I have to say I wasn’t prepared for that to happen so soon so it’s been an interesting few weeks of research.  Special thanks to Carol who helped us understand the nuances of daycare centers vs. home daycare and how licensing works through all of that.  It’s a lot to think about when you try and figure out who should be taking care of your child throughout the day.  At least we managed to figure out that it doesn’t make much sense for one of us to stay home full time until we have three kids (not that we are having three kids, I’m just saying that’s where the break even point breaks).  At one point during my calculations we were freaking out because it showed that we couldn’t even really afford where we lived right now!  Vero pointed out that I had somehow managed to copy and paste our mortgage payment TWICE into the document.  Whew!