
Welcome Sierra!


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“Dad, please stop taking photos already!”

Say hello to Sierra Cantin Palmer.  Dad was hoping that her middle name would be Danger but Mom decided Cantin was a better fit.

She was born yesterday around 10:47pm and weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.  Wait, is it in inches or centimetres?  It’s probably centimetres.  20.5 inches is quite long!  This is what happens when Vero is in the shower and I can’t ask her questions.  Now I’m really second guessing myself.  I think it’s inches.

She woke up Mom with a fart around 4:29am.  Atta girl!


15 replies on “Welcome Sierra!”

Celebrating the arrival of the little princess in hearst from the cantin family! We love you guys!

Congrats to you and Vero….this is just another part your life’s journey. Enjoy her.

How happy for you both, and Sierra too of course as she has fantastic parents. I will remind her of that once in a while ! She looks like a real sweetheart already. Life will never be the same —better of course !! Sierra is my 8th great grand child , lots of family for me to enjoy in my old age !!! Love you all. NannyRuth

She is beautiful just like her Momma! Nice and healthy! Can’t wait to meet her! Enjoy every second because it will go by fast!

Félicitations!!!! 🙂 J’ai hâte de rencontrer la dernière née de la famille dans mon prochain “trip” à Ottawa !!! xxx

Gorgeous little ”cocotte “! Congrats to you both, can’t wait to meet Sierra! Prends soin ma belle Vero xoxo

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